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02/13/17 10:32 AM

#48507 RE: investingarc #48502

I've had direct contact with them on a few occasions and the first thing I noticed is that English is not their first language. That turns off a lot of people, but English isn't my first language so I give people the benefit of the doubt.

Second, OWC is an Israeli sub of OWCP. From what I can glean, Israel has stricter laws regarding PR than the US does. So I think that has a lot to do with their overly cautious nature.

Frankly, it's good and bad. On the plus side for new investors, I believe it makes them undervalued. On the downside for existing investors, it makes them undervalued.

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02/13/17 10:33 AM

#48508 RE: investingarc #48502

As a 20 year digital and traditional marketing vet...they're doing fine. Not playing into the hype game and spending unnecessary ad dollars for what? short-term ROI? They're posting relevant news on twitter (@owcpharma) and spending zero capital.

Leveraging social media is the not-so-new, but cost-effective way to get your message(s) across.

But to your point, of course, I'd love to see 8-Ks drop twice-a-week to the lead up to the conference.

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02/13/17 10:34 AM

#48509 RE: investingarc #48502

We will see marketing ramp up fast after efficacy results are released. The next couple of months are going to get interesting IMHO!
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02/13/17 10:50 AM

#48512 RE: investingarc #48502

no need for hype. real companies don't need to hype. And honestly don't need you as an investor. Go play the horsies at the track
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02/13/17 10:57 AM

#48516 RE: investingarc #48502

I don't know, man. I kind of RESPECT them for not flooding us with "hype PRs". That's what makes me feel it's real and honest.

They're keeping us updated with 8K's on progress and waiting for their trials to complete before the blow the roof off, in my opinion.

What if they need more time in trials before they feel certain things are ready? Then people bail, talk smack, and the stock goes down anyway.

Slow and steady until the Gold is officially secured -- then blow it up!