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02/13/17 12:56 AM

#55627 RE: trevorbc #55625

Everything is coming together GLTA


02/13/17 7:07 AM

#55628 RE: trevorbc #55625

yes, new investors are good but, do I have to be the ahole that says this sounds like a "scheme".

Everything this guys blathers on about for 10 minutes could have been said 5 years ago. And QMC still has not brought down the solar industry or destroyed . Do we even have a panel? Have tetrapod dots ever been tried in a fully functional panel. The 66% effeciencies numbers are theoretical if I remember correctly. It is all a show.

This guy probably bought in last Wednesday and Thursday (that would explain the bump in volume). Then promotes this company promo so he can sell his lemmings into a buying frenzy just so he can exit with 20-25% gain. Probably worth his time for a couple hours of presentation work.

Don't get me wrong, some of these investors may stay, but how many will have the long frozen gongas to stand the test of time as we have? They are impulse buyers....and sellers more than likely and unless Steve can hit the momentum we are likely to nose dive.

I was really hoping for positve Q or better yet a supply contract with someone this morning instead...something real not bloated dreams wrapped in a video with a screen shot of a patent.

Enjoy the run. Maybe Steven can hit this wave with a big announcement. Maybe this is orchestrated to get to .12. Who knows.

Sorry for being a negative nancy once again, but was disappointed after seeing the website.