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03/09/17 11:09 AM

#319371 RE: Poptech #319173

Popt: NeoMedia exists. Take a trip to Boulder and see for yourself.

Real simple here: NM,LLC dba NeoMedia Technologies, Inc.

Shares still trade because the MM's see a market for them. This will never be "shut down" by any repeated crys to FINRA or the SEC. If even a single MM continues to be a sponsor of the "worthless" NEOM shares w/ nothing behind them except a public corporate structure, NEOM will continue to trade. Period.

My question is, did YA figure out some shady way to write off all the debt under YA for tax loss purposes since they own all the debt. Just said, screw it, we'll never get it back legitimately so let's take the massive hit and start over, clean.

If they could do that then they NM,LLC could RTM w/ NEOM back as NeoMedia w/ a new share structure (keeping the public ticker name and symbol (or change symbol if they must)) through NeoMedia's service subsidiary they created a couple years ago connected w/ the bogus deal they did w/ that. I can't even recall the details off the top of my head it was so ridiculous. But, maybe it was all part of a grand scheme to get their money back some day, some way.

NEOM files to start filing again, they 8K a RTM w/ a clean slate and start over again here, at .0001/share (essentially, from now and YA's point of view of they are behind this volume).

Could be them buying their own stock so then the will have a ton of commons themselves to sell back into the market, making some of their money back from the hype.

Example: They keep doing this for the next month in collusion w/ the MM's never raising the ASK, suddenly they have 400-500MM shares in their person coffer then NEOM releases a clean "Super 8K" w/ a plan to drastically reduce the share structure after consumation and start over fresh. In the meantime, prior to consumation, their cohorts in crime pump it up to .10/share and tI allow YA to dump it back down to nothing all they while making their money back before NM,LLC goes public "again" as their former self, NEOM, but with zero debt and a new, greatly reduced share structure.

LM runs a lean ship. Starting from scratch like that, NEOM could be a decent long term stock for shareholders, for once.

Time will tell. Just intersting, to say the least.


(remember that, folks)
