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02/10/17 2:17 PM

#16491 RE: UglyAmerican #16490

Their goal was to provide the browser on an enterprise basis eventually. I believe they are going about it correctly. 100K of free downloads to make sure it is bug-free. Maybe convert 10% to paying customers at $5/month = $50K/month of revenue to build on. Work up to 200K paying customers or one million dollars a month. With this installed base, they can private label it for carriers and provide licenses for entire companies. The VPN (Virtual Private Network) will be a big selling feature for enterprise clients.

To speed things up I believe they will use some of the Blue Coat cash the end of this year to do one or more strategic acquisitions. What I have always liked about this company is they have in their organization key individuals who have grown multi-billion dollar business units at Cisco and other companies. I could see this growing into a one billion dollar market cap company within 5 years.

A $12 buyout now works, too. I wish I knew which ide is winning out, but I believe some of the insiders are pushing to sell out now and move on to other projects. I would be happy with spinning off Finjan Mobile for Hartstein and Noonan to run and selling the patent portfolio to the highest bidder. Nice windfall now and possible bigger payout later.