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02/09/17 2:03 AM

#39597 RE: scurve #39596

Have you never heard of "states' rights"? Trump "trumpeted" this during his entire campaign. You clearly don't understand how state vs. federal law works in this country. The federal government cannot "invade" a locality or state on a whim.

Before sending in a single agent to raid anyone, he will have to sue each state for being in "non-compliance" of federal law. Some would comply, others may not. Only then, can he use the power of his office to make physical raids/arrests.

Do you believe Sessions has the resources to raid all 28 states while local and state governments just sit quiet, not to mention the populace sit quiet? Did you not see the crap-storm that just ensued when Trump tried to ban refugees at the airport? Do you honestly believe he's going to pick another fight with the public when 90% of the country believes medical Marijuana should be legalized?

You're dreaming if you think Sessions is going to send in the federal government to take away half the country's "legal" weed.