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08/22/06 11:54 PM

#117 RE: Anishnabek_Que #115

The cyanide plant was invented in 1890.

They had bromide and chlorine gas leaching of gold ore in 1870.

Before that they had gravity concentration, with machines called buddles, developed in England.

They had a type of rotary drill for drilling rock which used rock dust and a wooden drill about 1500.

1905 equipment manufacturing plant.

Modern mining milestones...

1849 Mine equipment powered by compressed air in Britain, Govan Colliery. (Glasgow, Britain) 52
1849 Dense-air compression machine (air refrigerator) invented. (John Gorrie, Charleston, SC) 57
1850 Britain adopts Coal Mines Inspection Act. (Britain) 52
1850 Steam-powered rock drill invented: nearly modern. (Charles Fowle, Boston) 52
1850 - 1900 Coal cutter machinery (H4) stimulated by electrical power and transmission development. 52
1850 Oil refining begins. 53
1852 Coal-cutting (chain) Disc machine patented: makes vertical shearing cuts at sides of heading. (Waring, Britain) 52
1853 1,600 tons of ice a day produced: double-acting vacuum and compression pump with sulfuric ether. (Alex. Twining, New Haven, Conn) 57
1854 First deep gas well sunk at Erie (1,200 feet deep). (Erie, Pa) 52
1854 First self-contained breathing apparatus: predates gas-mask for mining rescue work. (Schwann) 54
1856 Aniline dye (mauve) discovered: leads to rise of coal-tar industry. (Wm Henry Perkins, Germany) 51
1857 Chilled meat exported: uses vapor-compression machine. (James Harrison, Australia) 57
1859 Drake strikes oil: launches US oil industry*. (Edwin Drake, Titusville, Pa) 52
1860 ca. Septic tank principle used in Automatic Scavenger. (L Mouras, France) 55
1860 Ammonia absorption machine. (F P E Carre, France) 57
1861 Kerosene made from oil entirely displaces the product from coal in the US. (US) 51
1861 Gas producer devised: recognized as successful. (K W Siemens) 51
1862 Rotary diamond core drill patented: in France and Britain. (Rodolphe Leschot, France) 52
1862 Air refrigerator improved: regenerator added. (Kirk) 57
1863 Turbine-powered Disc machine for coal cutting patented: improvement added with rotary action. (Thomas Harrison, Durham, Britain) 52
1863 Oil refining in Cleveland develops. (John D Rockefeller, Cleveland) 53
1867 - 1870 Steam-gas generating apparatus patented: used for illuminating. (Hiram S Maxim, Fitchburg, Mass) 51
1868 Compressed-air plant built to refrigerate food (limited power). (Paris) 57
1870 ca. Diamond-drill channeling machine devised for quarrying stone, especially marble. (Albert Ball, Windsor, Vt) 52
1870 ca. Disintegrator for coal crushing developed. (Carr) 52
1871 American Institute of Mining Engineers founded. (US) 52
1871 American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, Inc, (AIME) formed. (New York) 52
1871 Rock drill patented: improved by Henry C Sergeant 1885-1886. (Simon Ingersoll, New York) 52
1872 Ammonia-compression machine for producing ice invented. (David Boyle) 57
1873 Water-gas process, by Tessie du Motay and Thaddeus Lowe, developed. (Motay andLowe, US) 51
1873 Open-cycle air machines made: proposed by Kelvin and Rankine, 1852. (Giffard) 57
1873 - 1875 Refrigerated warehouses (NYC and London) and commercial transatlantic ship built (CELTIC). (Carroll L Riker, New York) 57
1873 - 1876 Ammonia-compression system for (brewery) refrigeration: based on vapor compression work. (Carl von Linde, Munich) 57
1875 ca. Cyclic gas generator produces 'blue water gas' and continuous fixed-bed gas producers developed. 51
1876 Pioneer Oil Refinery* begins commercial refinery operations: first in West. (Andrews Station, Calif) 53
1877 Successful refrigerator car patented. (Joel Tiffany, US) 57
1878 Dry-air compressor patented: reciprocating three-stage with water jackets, etc. (Peter Brotherhood, Britain) 52
1879 Proto breathing apparatus produced: early gas-mask device for mining rescue work. (Fleuss) 54
1880 - 1899 Standard cable-tool drilling developed; rotary grinding and drilling (oil production) is introduced in 1890s. 52
1880 ca. Open-cycle air machine made. (Bell and Coleman) 57
1884 Apparatus for radial-axis system of coal mining patented. (Wm L Saunders) 52
1886 First patent for cracking. (Benton, Titusville, Pa) 53
1886 - 1900 Apparatus to detect and record deadly gases patented: used worldwide, especially for mining. (Thomas Shaw, Pennsylvania) 54
1888 Electric machinery for soft-coal mines manufactured: generators, locomotives, undercutters, etc. (Elmer A Sperry) 52
1888 Westinghouse acquires rights to Telsa's induction motor and Polyphase system. (Telsa, Westinghouse, US) 59
1888 Patent for polyphase induction motor (AC electrification) issued. (Nikola Tesla) 59
1891 Wilkinson automatic mechanical stoker invented: used on ocean liners and in large factories. (Alfred Wilkinson, Philadelphia) 59
1892 Large-scale experimental plant to extract pure nickel erected. (Ludwig Mond, Smethwick) 53
1893 Method for underground distribution and recovery of anhydrous ammonia patented. (John Edwin Starr, St Louis) 57
1895 Septic tank manufactured and patented: resulting gas used as fuel for illumination. (D Cameron, Britain) 55
1895 Machine for air liquefaction constructed: produces commercially pure oxygen. (Karl von Linde, Munich) 57
1897 Fixed platform for offshore drilling patented; S Lewis develops mobile platform. (Thomas F Rowland, off Calif) 52
1897 - 1907 Leyner hammer drill introduced: replaces piston drills by 1907 (invented 1902, patented 1903-04--A2). (J George Leyner, Littleton, Colo) 52
1898 Scientific forestry program begins with establishment of US Bureau of Forestry, conservation movement. (Gifford Pinchot, US) 50
1899 Open pit mining pioneered by Daniel Jackling and Robt Gremmel: adopted at Bingham copper mine in 1910. (Jackling, Gremmel, Utah) 52
1899 Refuse Act administered by Army Corps of Engineers: Act of 1972 transferred control to EPA. (US) 55
top 20th Century
1900 Drilling method for raising sulfur from deep deposits developed. (Herman Frasch, US) 52