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02/06/17 7:01 PM

#23015 RE: Phoenix_Sol #23011

You are correct.

All of the notes listed in that error-filled post are aged debt because the debt ages immediately after the issue date

The age of debt has NOTHING to do with the maturity date

The facts of the matter are that all convertible debt listed as outstanding as of 9/30/16 in the November 10Q is aged debt and over 90% of it was converted as of the date the last press release was issued, which is now almost 2 weeks ago

Every convertible on that list except the last one is over 6 months old and is considered aged.

Whatever convertible debt may be remaining as of today, if there is any still remaining, is miniscule.


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02/06/17 7:03 PM

#23017 RE: Phoenix_Sol #23011

Old Notes ,many in Default, were paid up to Dec 2016

But there are New Notes for 2017 coming that will cause additional damage to the share structure. Here they are. There could be more than what I have found

$346,920 in Notes Converting into 4:20 and beyond

03/18/17 $25,000
04/12/17 $35,000
04/20/17 $45,000
05/31/17 $14,420
05/31/17 $30,000
08/18/17 $25,000
12/12/17 $172.500

Cheerleaders are mis leading you when they say Dilution is Done. It's Not !
The PR specifically said " Old Notes ",that does not include the 2017 Notes scheduled for conversion.