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02/04/17 9:27 PM

#264514 RE: F6 #264512

Behind The Veil: America's Anti-Immigration Network

F6, thanks for that first link

as it led, via the first link

again, to the video above, which was a good reminder repeat watch for me.

This link, to JimLurs


which most recently kicked off this revisit to the anti-immigration movement, connects this loop.

Some of the others just revisited on my latest rediscovery/ reminders wander

The Second Amendment was Ratified to Preserve Slavery
.. the 8th down in your link list here ..
the_8th -- oh you poor bedraggled picked-upon whitey .. oh, the map ..

in the first of that link list .. .. ..
was good to see again, too.

Cut immigration or be like US, visiting lobbyist warns

US lobbyist Roy Beck is a major advocate for reducing the intake of immigrants. 17th Jan 2013



02/05/17 6:04 AM

#264520 RE: F6 #264512

February 3, 2017 -

Last Sunday, January 29, 2017, “60 Minutes” featured Bill Whittaker reporting on a Syrian Muslim family landing in America to start a new life. The family, part of a 12,000-member family of refugees imported into America in 2016, enjoys unending welfare afforded by American taxpayers.

We’re talking millions upon millions of dollars spent to fly them over here, feeding them, housing them, educating them, giving them transportation, giving them medical care, paying for their utilities and more---with no end in sight as to welfare paid for by your tax dollars.

While their “puff” piece attempted to show our compassion, it failed to report on the enormous cost to American taxpayers in the decades to come: their birth rates, their chain-migrated relatives and their living on American welfare to the tune of billions.

All of that without report that American citizens taking a back seat to immigrants’ needs.

In fact, “60 Minutes” didn’t report on the horrific costs of saving those refugee families when our American families suffer much greater. Take these realities into consideration:

A whopping 48 million Americans subsist on food stamps and other welfare because they cannot obtain jobs.

Every refugee that arrives displaces an American from a job. Every refugee that arrives costs Americans hard money out of their pockets with no return, whatsoever.

A mind numbing 60,000 to 100,000 military veterans lack jobs, lack homes and lack medical care in the United States.

What about the needs of our country, our vets and our citizens?

One out of four African-Americans lacks a job at a living wage.
Along with that, three out of four African-American children arrive out of wedlock and live with single mothers on welfare and entrenched in poverty. Why not “save” our citizens rather than refugees?

How about the fact that our country stands eyeball deep in $20 trillion of debt?
How do you get your arms around the fact that Congress tries to save the refugees when it can’t save itself? We pay over $40 million monthly in interest of the national debt because Congress can’t and won’t act responsibly.

Do you realize that 13,000,000 (million) American children live below the poverty level with no hope of escaping the inner city projects? Is it too unreasonable to apply those moneys for refugees to our own children?

Today, Chicago stands as a killing zone for African-Americans with murders every day of the year and into the hundreds annually. Maybe we should take care of our citizens with jobs, housing, education and hope.

Why must we save the rest of the world while our own citizens suffer as much or greater than refugees?

While our cities face horrific infrastructure breakdown and our nation faces sociological breakdown and cultural displacement from endless immigration, at what point do we apply the brakes?

Now or 100,000,000 (million) more refugee immigrants by 2050? Reality check: the United Nations discovered that 100,000,000 (million) people of the world would love to immigrate to America tomorrow if they enjoyed a visa and plane ticket. Can we save the world?

Not a chance! Why are we taking in all those immigrants when we can’t take care of our own citizens’ needs?

Why? Give me one reason that could stand the test of common sense for accepting and paying millions and billions for refugees.

Our taxpayer dollars already pay out $113,000,000,000.00 (billion) annually for immigrants. (Source:

When does that stop when you see our $20 trillion debt price tag?

At some point soon, we must stop all immigration. We can’t afford it and we’re deeply in debt, and it’s fracturing and fragmenting our country into ethnic group chaos, cultural suicide and environmental degradation. We can’t keep doing this to ourselves.

Write 60 Minutes and invite them to do a segment on American citizens being destroyed by refugees being imported into Americans: start with 9/11, Boston Marathon, Orlando, White Cloud, Garland, Ohio State, San Bernardino, Ft. Lauderdale, Dearborn, Miami, honor killings and more yet to come.


02/05/17 6:07 AM

#264521 RE: F6 #264512

Muslims In The U.S. Are Busted In MASSIVE WELFARE FRAUD SCAM…Anyone Surprised?

Since his election in 2008, Barack Obama has all but taken-off all restrictions if someone wants to collect any number of social programs, programs that were specifically designed to help people who are struggling.

Welfare was NOT SUPPOSED TO BE A CAREER, but a helping hand-up for those in dire financial crisis. It is also NO SECRET that Barack Obama is allowing a virtual FLOOD of immigrants, both LEGAL and ILLEGAL into the United States, his plan is to literally CHANGE THE VOTING DEMOGRAPHIC in this country.

All the while, BANKRUPTING the taxpayers by allowing as many people as possible the ability to collect some sort of social assistance. And all that he asks in return for all of this “free stuff”, is that you vote “democrat. And when you have this many people on some form of welfare, inevitably there is going to be welfare fraud. Here is a perfect example of Muslim “immigrants” that were named in one of the largest welfare fraud scams the state of Michigan has ever seen.

Welfare fraud has become endemic in the United States over the past few decades. Just as it seemed that we were making some progress against the deluge of entitlement swindles, it's become even worse under the Obama administration.

Between the Earned Income Tax Credit being extended to illegal immigrants and a millionaire collecting welfare, there's no shortage of examples of cheats defrauding the system.

Obama promised during his infamous immigration speech that the newly-amnestied illegals wouldn't receive improper benefits.

Like everything else, it was a lie.

Now comes word that a Muslim-run food stamp ring has been broken up in the state with the largest Muslim population.

That state is Michigan, which has seen plenty of press for issues involving Muslims of late.

Three brothers who ran the Middle Eastern Market in Grand Rapids plead guilty to a food stamp scam in exchange for prosecutors not seeking charges against two more brothers. The scam netted $736,000 from EBT and $544,000 in WIC.

That puts the amount stolen from taxpayers by the three brothers; Emad Khalil Karaein, Jawad Khalil-Ahmad Karaein, and Khader Khalil Karaein at over $1,200,000.

EBT and WIC can, of course, only be used on certain items. The scam worked by providing food stamp recipients with a reduced amount of cash for their food stamps.

The brothers would then use the cards at full value to buy eligible products. The scam allegedly ran for nine years, which shows just what a bang-up job we're doing at stopping entitlement fraud.

Our food stamp rolls have ballooned from 31.9 million in 2009 to 46.4 million, so maybe it's a bit difficult for the bureaucracy to keep track. There was likely no shortage of people willing to sell, either.
A recent YouTube video called "How many wives can a Muslim have on Welfare in Michigan?" asked that very question. (Spoiler alert: it's quite a few more than one.)
And Michigan became the first state to start offering welfare assistance and forms in Arabic, ensuring that the Karaein brothers certainly won't be the last welfare fraudsters in the Great Lake State.

*Point of fact, this came to light in December of 2014 and this is only ONE example of it’s kind. Since Obama has opened-up the southern border we can be assured that many more scams like this will come to our attention…but I’m sure, only AFTER Obama has left office.
Rest assured, that the next president will undoubtedly “inherit a mess” left to him by Barack Hussein Obama Jr. , of THAT there is ABSOLUTELY NO DOUBT !!


02/05/17 6:08 AM

#264522 RE: F6 #264512

F*ck America,' Yells Family of Muslim Immigrant on $2 Million Bail for Food Stamp Fraud

Buffalo deli owner and Muslim immigrant Ahmed Alshami, 37, is being held on $2 million bail for alleged food stamp fraud, WKBW reported late last month. Alshami is charged with "criminal possession of public benefit cards, misuse of food stamps and criminal use of a public benefit card for defrauding the welfare system."

Upon leaving Alshami's arraignment, the deli owner's wife and daughter were caught on camera flipping the middle finger and screaming "F*ck America."

Per court documents, between October, 2014 and March of this year, Alshami bought EBT cards from food stamp recipients, for typically half their worth, and traded them in for cash while operating the IGA Express Mart in the City of Buffalo.
Alshami would then turn around and buy store products with the food stamps, or tell those whom he had bought the food stamps off of to buy the goods at local stores with their EBT cards for him.

In total, the deli owner's purchases neared $4,000.

Buffalo council member Richard Fontana, who lives near the IGA Express Mart, says a lot of illegal activity has gone on around the store.

"He was essentially the worst store owner I've seen in my 20 years of city hall," said Fontana.

On top of welfare fraud, Alshami also allegedly robbed a rental property in the city on March 16 of this year. After "knowingly and unlawfully" entering the unoccupied property, he apparently stole kitchen cabinets, a hot water tank and baseboard heating units.

Alshami pleaded not guilty to all charges.

The alleged criminal faces the prospect of being deported, as he is not a U.S. citizen.


02/05/17 6:14 AM

#264523 RE: F6 #264512

Muslims Food Stamp Recipients DEMAND Food Meet Islamic Requirements [Video]

How can this happen, and why? Because, they are Muslim and demanding Halal appropriate selections whilst shopping with food stamps.

The Isuroon Project kicked off a “Rally Against Hunger” this past Monday in Hennepin County, Minnesota. Apparently, the Muslim women running that little dog-and-pony show say the situation is as desperate as that lampooned above.

Food stamps are supposed to be a form of temporary assistance to help one get back on their feet, financially. Food stamps are a means to provide necessary assistance for dietary subsistence. Food stamps are not meant to provide subsidized religious food to anyone.

In fact, one could argue that our founding documents, which say, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the exercise thereof…” (Establishment Clause, First Amendment, US Constitution), do not allow for such endorsement of the Islam faith-based meal kit, or any other religion for that matter.

County governments, such as Hennepin, Minnesota are within their right, and are appropriately representative of the tax payer, to not provide religiously “clean” food to anyone, no matter what their beliefs are.

Perhaps the Isuroon Project women should consider spending their time getting and working real jobs, where they can earn money to pay for their Halal foods. That burden is not the tax payer’s responsibility, period.


02/05/17 6:17 AM

#264524 RE: F6 #264512

Welfare Usage Spikes Among Refugees from Predominantly Muslim Regions

Middle Eastern and African refugees in the United States are much more likely than refugees from anywhere else in the world to be on welfare, a government report from the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR)—provided to Congress and obtained by Breitbart News ahead of its public release—shows.

When it comes to cash assistance programs, a whopping 39.2 percent of refugees from the Middle East receive TANF—Temporary Assistance for Needy Families—cash benefits. A similarly high percentage of refugees from Africa—18.9 percent—are on TANF benefits, the chart on page 107 of the 112 page report shows. ( See below.) The data is based on Fiscal Year 2014 and was provided to Congress by ORR.

Those two regions—Africa and the Middle East—according to a breakdown in the previous year’s report, are mostly made up of predominantly Muslim countries. The countries that comprise the Middle East are all predominantly Muslim nations: Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, and Yemen.

African nations are listed as: Benin, Burundi, Central African Republic, Congo, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Liberia, Malta, Rwanda, South Africa, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia. Of those, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Somalia, and Sudan are predominantly Muslim nations, while most of the rest of the African nations here have sizable Muslim populations, according to the Pew Research Center.

According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP), TANF is basically a program through which the federal government—using state governments, through block granting—puts cash right in the pockets of its beneficiaries.

CBPP writes about TANF:

States have used their TANF funds for a variety of services and supports, including: income assistance (including wage supplements for working-poor families), child care, education and job training, transportation, aid to children at risk of abuse and neglect, and a variety of other services to help low-income families. Since the four TANF goals are extremely general, states can use TANF funds much more broadly than the core welfare reform areas of providing a safety net and connecting families to work; some states use a substantial share of funding for these other services and programs.

The use of TANF benefits by refugees from the Muslim dominated regions of the world far exceeds the use of the program by Latin American or South/Southeast Asian refugees—of which only 8.1 percent and 6.2 percent, respectively, use.

It’s not just TANF benefits that Muslim refugees are dominating usage of compared to other refugees. A whopping 35.5 percent of refugees from the Middle East and 13.2 percent from Africa are on Supplemental Security Income (SSI), a program that provides monthly stipend checks to those with disabilities. Just 5.2 percent from Latin America and 21.5 percent from South/Southeast Asia are on SSI. Also, 20.3 percent from the Middle East—and 6.6 percent from Africa—are on a similar program called General Assistance, while only 6.2 percent from Latin America and 13.6 percent from South/Southeast Asia benefit from that program.

More importantly, however, when it comes to non-cash welfare programs, the refugees from predominantly Muslim regions are benefitting much more significantly than those from non-Muslim regions of the world.

An astounding 89.7 percent of refugees from the Middle East are on SNAP Assistance—or food stamps—while 80.3 percent of refugees from Africa similarly benefit from the program.

Only 44.2 percent from Latin America are on the SNAP program, and 74 percent from South/Southeast Asia.

Medicaid numbers show similar results: The ORR chart found that 76.4 percent of Middle Eastern refugees, and 75.2 percent from Africa, are on Medicaid, while just 24.5 percent from Latin America and 50.2 percent from South/Southeast Asia benefit from the program.

This all means that compared to a similar report from ORR’s previous fiscal year, 2013, that food stamp usage is about the same, while TANF, Medicaid, and SSI usage are all on the rise among refugees from this region.