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02/04/17 8:47 AM

#47333 RE: criticalnugz #47332

This sounds like some contracts i awarded for the fed govt. a basic contract with language allowing the gov to issue delivery orders against it as the needs come up. The co may have a minimum/maximum clause for orders written against it. So in this type of cont act you will not know how many orders you will receive.

Williamsburg, va


02/04/17 2:43 PM

#47336 RE: criticalnugz #47332


How did you word the inquiry?
This doesn't really tell us much. We pretty much figured out that the mystery OEM announcement was along the lines of an IDIQ contract.
The real question is the subtle wording change to the Pratt & Whitney announcement. Pratt was a quoted prospect that is now a customer. But the announcement isn't like the previous EAP releases. It claims to be commercial. The whole world is awaiting the onset of actual PR3D use, in actual production, for manufacturing. Pratt doesn't build printer machines. They build aerospace power plants, among other things. So I am really keep to learn if indeed the change in wording for Pratt indicates the first ever real production use of PR3D.

All the best,