The info on states the expected end date for K2a is 12/31/17. Keep in mind that this is a sequential study, which means the first cohort has to complete 3 weeks of study + 3 weeks of post treatment evaluation. Also, the 5 patients will not start on the same date....they have to be recruited, consented, and pass all inclusion/exclusion criteria.
I'd conservatively allow at least 3-4 months for each cohort to complete. You also have to allow a reasonable amount of time to schedule a meeting of the DMC to review patient safety issues and determine if cohort #2 can proceed. Assuming this will likely occur over the Summer, when docs are notoriously hard to get into 1 room together, it is easy to see why this trial could take 10-12 moths to complete.
It would be amazing if this is being conducted at UT Southwestern or Baylor, but I imagine its being run at another for-profit cancer treatment & research center.