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02/02/17 11:42 AM

#14085 RE: vl39 #14084

Let`s see if there will be moe insider buying, that is what I would expect also in the light of volume in the past several days.

Anyhow $20K is not so much, so let`s see what Steve will do or not.

More interesting and really bullish for me are the two new Directors which should be elected on anual Meeting on 28th of Feb. as both togehter hold around 14% of the Shares.

They should have a very high interest to improve shareholder value.

Pressure from big shareholders are not nice but usually good for shareholders and moves companys faster.



02/02/17 7:49 PM

#14091 RE: vl39 #14084

These were non-market transactions and likely just options exercise or RSU grants. Can check tomorrow.