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02/02/17 5:18 AM

#22887 RE: Hebrew #22886

Purdue has to make a move, otherwise will finish its money in lawsuits.

Their image is terrible and going constantly down, so either thay make some important strategic move (like becoming the paladins against opioids abuse, and maybe not only opioid) or they will get some years, but crushed (JMHO).

They should probably have no problem at all in terms of cash; and they are not they do not have to take comprises with markets forces and comply with market regulations.

If it's not IPCI, it is another palyer. They HAVE TO MAKE A MOVE.


Talc Moan

02/02/17 6:19 AM

#22891 RE: Hebrew #22886

Nicely put. Go $IPCI!