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02/02/17 3:02 AM

#264419 RE: StephanieVanbryce #264412

Donald Trump: White House backtracks on refugee deal struck with Australia, says it is still under consideration

sorry, should have read yours before posting that .. apparently trump blew his cool and ended up shouting at Turnbull
over the telephone .. the master of diplomacy NOT .. he belongs closer to a padded cell rather than in the presidency ..

hearing now that trump said he would never have made the dumb deal, but Turnbull and Bishop (foreign minister)
are still saying trump has said the deal would go through .. nobody know what your erratic president will do ..

be used to it .. 'He's Going to Continue to Create Chaos'

Hillary was absolutely right when she said he did not have the temperament to be
president .. in his first 12 days he has shown himself to be incompetent in the position ..