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Just the facts maam

02/01/17 9:36 PM

#6274 RE: jadite #6273

Thanks Jadite, Lokodude and I have been sharing information. Loko has also been liaising with the author.

If there is any truth to the comments being posted on Cafe pharma's Abbvie Message Board, Abbvie is looking at a big salesforce increase in Metabolics for the Fall of 2017 and they are saying the drug in question is going to be huge.

Androgel was part of the Metabolics Division. And Dr Snabes was medical director for Androgel.

It certainly looks like they are talking about Libigel (or what ever it will be called.

We may finally be seeing the light at the end of the Libigel tunnel. If so, it will be well worth the wait.