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01/30/17 1:08 PM

#45176 RE: Jrod301 #45174

The optimistic fell ten stories.
And at each window bar
He shouted to the folks inside
" Doing alright so far "

Think positive, J. Quit trumppin


01/30/17 4:26 PM

#45182 RE: Jrod301 #45174

Unfortunately I think talk of a buyout or acquisition is very sophomoric at this point in my opinion. If management was 10% of the ability to communicate effectively optimism and confidence in the company as those on this board are we being better well-placed.

It seems that we have an inability to effectively communicate to gather sponsorship and or outside funding let alone acquisition by Al we don't even have anyone having interest in our stock.

I think anyone that would have the wherewithal to want what we have could more efficiently effectively and financially build it themselves pretty quickly with their in-house software Developers.

As it appears what we have is not all that different minus a couple weeks here or there then what's already out there.

What we may have that is different is the way we are utilizing it which is not something that would be taken in a buyout, or not something that couldn't be replicated at a larger organization.

We have people of management getting monthly checks or consultant feed, lets have someone like Barbara Larkin could utilize some of her time to promote the company and work in PR,