check this out jack!
Gold Inventory Estimates
The Company has analyzed all available data and estimated the mineral inventories remaining in the
Montgomery-Shoshone and Bullfrog deposits at 470,000 oz. gold as summarized below:
Table 2
Preliminary Mineral Inventory Estimates
Tonnes Gold Gold
Pit Areas Millions G/T Ounces
M-S Shallow 1.1 1.06 38,612
M-S Deeper 0.9 0.93 26,813
Bullfrog North 13.3 0.88 375,051
BF NE Mystery Hill 0.9 0.80 26,813
Total/Average 16.4 0.89 469,961
These mineral inventories averaged 0.89 g/t and were prepared by the Company using manual crosssectional
methods, a nominal cut-off grade of 0.3 g/t and the close-spaced drill holes that Barrick used for
their estimates that ultimately recovered 2.3 million ounces of gold.