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01/29/17 5:02 AM

#264076 RE: F6 #264075

States propose bills to penalize protests

Ten states are considering bills that could make it dangerous and difficult for people to protest, and in one case
legal to potentially injure protesters. Joy Reid and her panel of activists and journalists discuss. Duration: 9:09

That one on the worrying seemingly almost inexorable sneak of the authoritarian state was in the list on the right inside yours.

This president will continue to put Americans at home and abroad at greater danger in his selfish desire to show everyone else that he
is a man of his word (yet think about it, how could he ever hope to do that now) .. actually even more superficially he is attempting
to show everyone else how tough he is .. in fact he is losing both stature and respect, is he capable of understanding that?

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01/29/17 6:47 AM

#264079 RE: F6 #264075

AP: Trump Tasked Kushner With Managing Dispute With Mexico Over Wall

AP Photo / Marco Ugarte

JULIE PACE and VIVIAN SALAMA January 28, 2017, 3:27 PM EST

WASHINGTON (AP) — One week into office, President Donald Trump was trying to clean up his first international incident.

The president shifted a jam-packed schedule Friday to make room for an hourlong phone call with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto, who had abruptly snubbed the new president by canceling a visit. Trump's team had appeared to respond by threatening a hefty border tax on Mexican imports.

By the end of the conversation, Trump had tasked his son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner — a real estate executive with no national security experience — with managing the ongoing dispute, according to an administration official with knowledge of the call.

The episode, an uneven diplomatic debut, revealed the earliest signs of how the new president plans to manage world affairs. In a matter of days, he both alarmed and reassured international partners. He picked fights, then quickly backed away from them. He talked tough, and toned it down. And at each step, Trump relied on the small clutch of advisers that guided his norm-breaking campaign, a group with scant foreign policy experience but the trust of the president.

Much of the foreign policy decision-making has rested with Kushner and Steve Bannon,...

So now it's final, the great negotiator has pulled out of the negotiation with the Mexican President over the wall.