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01/28/17 12:20 PM

#382041 RE: Digra Ive #381995

The difference between 2013/15 and 2017 it is a rulling party.

What is actually different is President Trump, a get it done President who is without full allegiance to either party.

The bill was introduced to the House of Representatives Financial Services Committee.

For the past 4 Congresses, 111th, 112th, 113th and 114th, the Republicans were in control of the House and its committees.

The Democrats on the Republican controlled House Financial Services Committee were unable to do anything for this bill made by a fellow Democrat in the two previous Congresses.

The Republicans were in control of the House and did not support this bill and now for the 3rd consecutive congressional session and the Republicans are again in control in the 115th Congress.

What can be expected in 2017? What can get done for the GSEs with this bill?

The same bill. The same Republican Majority leader, Kevin McCarthy. The same Republican Chairman of the Financial Services Committee, Jeb Hensarling, who planned to wind down and eliminate the GSEs with the Path Act, H.R. 2767.

Will the lack of concern in both parties be overcome when viewing the very same bill that been introduced three times with no real response?

Also, what does this bill suggest be done with the conservatorships (continuance or termination), the others constraining aspects of the SPSPAs, the future disposition of the warrants, the cash that is in excess of the 5% rate and payback, and shareholders' equity (dividends)?

Will the Republicans take up such a bill over a Republican Mulvaney type bill which is more far reaching and comprehensive?

Compare Capuano's bill H.R. 491 and Mulvaney's recap and release bill H.R. 4913.

Which bill does more for the GSEs? For the GSE shareholder?

Which bill would you vote for if you were a member of the House of Representatives? H.R. 491 or H.R. 4913?

Majority Leaders of the House (1899 to present)

H.R. 2767

H.R. 491

H.R. 4913