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Replies to post #558 on keyotee

Replies to #558 on keyotee

Deep Space

01/28/17 1:07 AM

#559 RE: keyotee #558

Hey Keyotee,things are pretty well here.We just had a home visit by the vet tonight.A cow we bottle fed and raised had a huge cut on her face when I went out and checked on her.Either a hog cut her or she ran into something.It looks horrible but he gave her a shot and sprayed it and it should be ok.We love that darn cow,she is like a pet and real calm.Ive been watching a lot of westerns as well.:) I am following some tickers and not much else.I notice VIX is very low and that seems strange in a changing of the presidential guard so to speak.Thanks for asking.I don't have PM abilities either.I did before but have used happy hours or other free iHub times.Christmas season was alright,and busy.I did see some video of late that showed a ring cloud around Jerusalem or some city in Israel that also sounded like Trumpets blowing.Gave me the chills whatever it was.Good watch if googled.Have a good one and take care.