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01/28/17 1:35 AM

#564 RE: Dbrown13 #562

We have noticed customers and investors complaining that there is nothing (so little) for sale in the online stores run by Canopy and Mettrum.
Yet the October crop was huge, the biggest crop yet, and that should be dried, cured, processed and for sale now.
But these complaints suggest that it is not for sale in the quantities that patients / investors expected.
Is it that the Germans have demanded a continuance of product (medicines) supply if they allow Canopy to sell to their patients?
Knowing the Germans, I believe they will not tolerate medicines running out for their patients, especially as their insurance will be paying for these medicines.
So is most of that October crop already destined for Germany, where the profit margins are far higher than in Canada?
We will probably not know the answer to this question until the financial figures come out…. that will probably not be until summer or autumn.
Those financial figures will have the potential to shoot the share price of Canopy up to new blue skies.
So can we extrapolate that any person who buys in now, and purchases Canopy shares, this winter / spring, may see a large, and maybe an exponential increase in their wealth?