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01/26/17 8:29 PM

#43791 RE: april150 #43789

As a young man the words " ignorance of the law is no excuse" has been heard. With advancing years one could question that remark. Is everyone to read every law book, attend every law class, have a law library in their home, watch C-Span, 2 & 3 24-7, attend each and every trial whether civil or criminal and not pursue another life but law? Are all to take this to heart? What about, ignorance of the study of Architecture, Medicine, Aerospace, Mathematics, Biology, Finance and others is no excuse, these must carry the same mandate. How often has one heard a warning of these? Not me. Going on and on would not be advantageous to good reading, suffice it say Ladies and Gentlemen, words mean things. When we allow anyone to take a word and change it's meaning then we, as a whole are in trouble.