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01/26/17 6:16 PM

#70844 RE: Cujo1972 #70843

Crazy! Yup. Although they are in the kids rooms and not on continuously, they are still working


01/26/17 6:24 PM

#70845 RE: Cujo1972 #70843

Two still working. One continuously since 2009 purchase.

These were amazing bulbs! No Question.

They did improve the air quality too for a long time, but

no where as long as the bulbs have lasted due to the element

likely getting clogged pulling in and circulating the air

while attracting particles in the air.

Thanks for asking. Im surprised any one remembered I tested them.

Of the four bulb pack I bought, the two that went down were

replaced with more current LED Bulbs that draw a trickle of power

while providing a very nice color of white light.

If the ZEVOTEK Bulbs returned as an LED w/Air Purifier... hmmmmmm

Who knows what that could generate in sales making people happy.

Cheers, Friend