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01/26/17 10:57 PM

#937 RE: inversor86 #936

Watched it all. Cramer loves SWKS. Really loves it.


01/27/17 9:06 PM

#942 RE: inversor86 #936

Last winter I watched David Aldrich's presentation and came away impressed with him and Skyworks' prospects. But almost immediately the shares went into hibernation. I wondered whether Aldrich was being truthful when he said demand was excellent for SWKS products. Seems now he was.

Griffin tells an upbeat story too. He blamed the stock sag on a temporary inventory glut by "an unidentified customer," Apple no doubt.

As for M&A, I was happy with his answer. SWKS would consider sensibly priced acquisitions that fit their business plan. He wasn't playing to the flipper audience which probably explains why almost no one here follows the company.

Will continue to hold as I have for many years.