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01/30/17 11:09 AM

#2485 RE: Prudent Capitalist #2484

"...Walgreens reached a deal to lower the price it will pay for rival Rite Aid by at least $2 billion and to again extend their deadline to finish the deal by several months"


02/03/17 3:06 AM

#2489 RE: Prudent Capitalist #2484

Rad being liquidated for multiple Penny's on the dollar before our eyes. Holding strong though


02/06/17 1:56 PM

#2490 RE: Prudent Capitalist #2484

I sure would not bet any of my money on the RAD deal ever closing. There are some folks buying up shares that have other ideas (the rumors I have been hearing) If this is the case, the "new deal" will not pass.