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01/24/17 8:35 PM

#1089 RE: gitreal #1086

Git, panipoo is a perfect example of what I am talking about, A bit before he gave his March 31 deadline he had a "firm" December 31 deadline. He will next have a June 30 deadline. Hitting him over the head with the obvious seems to have absolutely no positive impact on his logic skills.

Pan4Au Tuesday, 11/15/16 01:04:15 PM
Re: georgeiporgi post# 955
Post # of 1088

Sure Georgei I apologize for not sharing my thoughts. If they don't have revenues by the end of December then I will consider this a lost cause. If they never generate revenues (say within a year) the SEC and FBI should investigate, and if anyone committed a crime they should be tried and spend time in jail if convicted. That would be up to the Courts.

BTW - I don't think any of this will happen. I think they will have revenues by Dec. 31st just like they said. No criminality here.