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La Puma

01/23/17 8:29 AM

#216342 RE: Sonnyusa #216329

No. I still have all of my shares and have been cautiously adding and number crunching here.

Clearly I underestimated some of the macro-environmental factors in play (Trump win, AG appointment, policy uncertainty, et al).

The referendum outcomes were exceptionally favorable for the industry LT, and I expect 2017 to be a solid year for TRTC. I've been doing research on basically every MJ company I can find or people send me messages on. Yes, there are a number of companies that have outperformed TRTC, but with the exception of 1 or 2, I view them as "one hit wonders."

I don't trade stocks, so I miss out on a quick buck here and there. I'm a LT view investor.

When I assess the market in 2018-2019-2020, TRTC continues to be the cream that rises to the top, under every scenario modeled.

I easily see it at $3-$5 in the next several years supported by it's future valuation. Based on how some of these others have run once the mo' kicks in, a temporary run even higher is very much possible (>$10-$15+).
