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01/21/17 2:35 PM

#1661 RE: danlevitan #1657

If they want to rebuild their credibility they should put out a Press release that says ...

We are offering X amount of shares at X price but along with this we have inked a deal with X insurance company.

At least it would show they aren't playing games with the public .... bumping the share price up with positive news and before the end of day dumping stock on the market lower than the stocks trading price? It's a slap in the face to investors buying into the stock,at least those who get left holding the bag at higher prices and it also costs them more money and they get less shares because of the spike followed by the inevitable drop ... IF they have already bought at higher "spiked",( due to the news), prices.

Of course if they did that the day traders wouldn't get the nice pops and drops they are accustomed to ... but to me, the company would look a bit more professional and shall we say Honest with the investing public.

It's what I would do if IF I were running the company... at least I think I would... the temptation to do what they have done the last 3 sales would be a bit tempting I suppose;They spike the price then give someone a cut rate deal on the share price which has been killing the runs up and creating more dilution.On the plus side they needed the cash and someone is willing to pony up ... IF they didn't have the pops they would have to give an even lower share purchase price in the offering ... so there is that ... but ... I still think they should have let it run a few weeks ago when it was knocking on the 14.00 door and could have ran up over 20.00 because they could have sold the shares much cheaper at say 15.00 and accomplished the same results.Don't forget pre-split prices its still only trading at about .40 cents a share and 20.00 would only be 2.00 ... I said weeks ago I think it's worth 3-5 so 30.00 to 50.00 if the revenue continues to pick up and new insurers pick up with the company ,which seems to be the case.

I'm Sure the institutional investors already know what's going on way before we do when it comes to offerings and news ... or so it would seem, because how could the company sell stock in an offering to institutional investors and NOT tell them about news they are putting out before hand?

It's like the company puts out the news showing what is possible with the stock price and then lets them in the back door with cheaper shares to ink the deal;The market then in turn punishes the buyers of that stock,(at least temporarily),by dropping the price lower than the offering price as if to somehow get back at the peeps who got the cheaper shares.

If we have cash (us retailers), the drop below the offering price would be a strong buy and is YOUR payback for how it all came about.If you are already wiped out in dry powder then you are simply going to have to hold and be patient.

On the other hand ... maybe I am just simply over-analyzing the whole thing because I have nothing better to do on my weekend!!!
