Alan, even you have to agree that that is what you think. Not what you know.
You have been right over the past couple of years concerning the behavior of the share price and stability. But unless you perhaps reconsider your seeming inflexible dogma, you are likely to begin to be wrong.
You make no consideration that the burn rate is capable of being managed downward, or held steady or timely, no consideration that the IP lean on the loan only encumbers a percentage of the IP value, no consideration that the Honeywell/DARPA contract adds sufficient revenue to get them into the second quarter before dipping into the loan proceeds, no consideration that the most recent deal is likely front loaded for SGLB to see revenue sooner rather than later, no consideration that the license term may be a few years shorter than you think, rather than longer, and no acknowledgement that $6 million is a fair amount of money; and if contractually firm can be used as loan collateral.
Either way you look at it, without emotion, SGLB is way better off now than last week. They will be fine. The gates are opening. I am confident that much more is coming. And as far as uplisting goes, there is only one item remaining as a hurdle. The share price. I do believe that upon uplisting SGLB will activate the secondary offering, as they most decidedly should do. The Shelf Offering, as it currently stands, is un-actionable. It would have to be rewritten, and resubmitted, to reflect the reverse split. It would again be un-actionable, without rewrite, if uplisting occurs.
All in all, things are nowhere near as dark as you make things out to be.
All the best,