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01/19/17 6:39 PM

#116261 RE: es1 #116260

We don't need to disagree. I am 100% sure that had Kim partnered with Mark Zuckerberg and his $50b we would be in full production. But none of us would be here. We wouldn't be in production They would be with Zuckerberg silk Co and VP of science Kim.

It isn't money. It's about bringing something to the world

You're idealism is showing. I'm going to continue to agree to disagree. You want it both ways and you can't argue against logic.

What we both want is a higher PPS. I hope we see it sooner rather than later. I don't have all the time in the world, and I'm not Johnny-come-Lately showing up for the short play. I've put my time in, just like many others here. And I've been assured by the CEO of a publicly traded company that commercialization is right around the corner. Unlike you, no part of me is a sucker for Kim's cute games. It's irritating and insulting to me to communicate the way he does. I'm here for the science, and Kim was the starter and hasn't yet proven himself to be a finisher. Time will tell.



01/19/17 8:47 PM

#116273 RE: es1 #116260

It isn't money. It's about bringing something to the world. As cheesy as that sounds there are people out there that want to make the planet a better place and share the proceeds with someone other than the 1%.

There was a company that claimed they were onto curing two forms of blindness caused by Macular Degeneration,I invested in it because i wanted to partake in that mission statement. After years of them
squandering SH value due to things like management greed,and a plummeting pps. They got a Japanese Co. to buy them out at a rock bottom price of 4 cents going to 8.5 cents.I was told by an individual how grateful i should be.FYI i never traded that stock.If it jaded me and made me unfortunately suspicious of companies using a humanitarian pitch yes it did...How Sad.


01/19/17 10:38 PM

#116277 RE: es1 #116260

"know what's possible with unlimited funds but I still remember Kims motivation. It isn't money. It's about bringing something to the world. As cheesy as that sounds there are people out there that want to make the planet a better place and share the proceeds with someone other than the 1%."

yea..theres mother Theresa, then theres