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01/19/17 12:42 PM

#12978 RE: gitreal #12976

One that is going to make all us longs a great deal of money. They are concerned with long-term efficiency of the operation, not short-term do anything to just get it started.

You are wrong is everything you state in your previous post. But I am not remotely interested in countering point by point. Your view of this company's operation has been negative from the beginning, and will likely stay that way, regardless of how successful this company turns out to be.

We will all see soon enough who was right.


01/19/17 1:39 PM

#12979 RE: gitreal #12976

Sure sounds boneheaded to me.

Didn't they do the same thing a month ago? Is today's news about the same 42" crusher, or a new, yet bigger one?

CARSON CITY, Nev., December 19th, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE)

In addition, the company announced that fresh ore is being crushed and stacked on the pads. The mine site is currently using Mexus’ 1236 jaw crusher and impacting system. It was recently determined that this system will not meet the production goals for the mine. Mexus JV partner, Marmar Holdings, made the decision to increase production by installing a 42” jaw crushing system. This crusher should be in place shortly and will be added to Mexus’ 54” closed cone screen plant to increase the overall output.


01/20/17 12:44 AM

#13047 RE: gitreal #12976

I've never seen a Construction project end with the exact same plan as was baselined... so you think a project that doesn't look exactly like the original plan when it's done can take a look at the original planned number of stories in this article about the plan for a about original plan here 2nd paragraph

now go to this page and see what it ended up as.reality implemented mid first paragraph

without knowing anything about who the bozo is that made this change somewhere between proposal and final production... this is clearly an example that the best laid plans are not listening to groundhogs day people...

remember in that movie he kept trying everything to change the outcome of the day... no matter what he did it kept starting over... well I think someone here is Phil and one day Phil will wake up and realize he is happy with Rita (MXSG) and things will finally be untwisted.

But until then i'm sure we'll here OMG PT is selling a share, and OMG that is unproven, and OMG why don't you listen to us (or is it me twice- I am suspicious)...

That's my POST for the day!