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01/18/17 12:00 PM

#16725 RE: linkvest #16710

and we recognize that the public will pick it apart with a microscope so we are being very very careful.

Adam Weiss at least knows about IHUB and what they are capable of!!

Pull out the Forensic kits guys!!!

PATIENCE - that will be heard over and over and over again.

So was the first excuse for no press release this week about the debt? I was so hoping to hear about their "forgiveness" of debt program to protect shareholders from horrible dilution. but it is never mentioned the forgiveness of debt involves it is in exchange for free trading shares.

So I guess we can rule out all those companies that have been mentioned as the LOGICAL company that already have a "solid web presence"?


01/23/17 6:57 AM

#17576 RE: linkvest #16710

Still waiting - with my microscope...
But I'll take another email with excuses again to keep me busy.