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01/17/17 9:23 PM

#108882 RE: downthehatch #108881

hey dude when will they......

come in and show where they get the rights to charge for this technology?

has anyone looked into the technology and where it's been certified as owned by the company?

seems that the entire model relies on their ability to prove that this stuff is real.

like everything else, to include end customers, the whole thing looks made up.

can someone point to where this APRAS stuff is owned?

we looked through all of these filings and cannot find it.

*given the tomfoolery and chicanery so far, we don't believe it exists. certainly there's been no validation nor third party big-league demonstrated value to date much less ownership. do they own APRAS or do they have the right to resell APRAS and if they actually own it who has validated it as owned and where's the patent or license details?

good night.