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01/17/17 4:40 PM

#168632 RE: Rdunn88 #168629

I'm curious, do you have any reason to believe they don't intend to partner up this year with one of the platforms? It's a unfortunate that they've been a target for the past two years, but, through it all, they've moved trials forward.

I fully expect them to partner up based on this interview:

Interview With New Cellceutix President Dr A Bertolino

From the outset, my directives are centered on establishing clear clinical strategies to develop our pipeline and recruiting additional experienced team members with the goal of commercializing new drugs and/or landing a major partner."

This is now a prime goal at Cellceutix and trials will incorporate components that attract partners."

Our goal is to do a very rewarding deal with a major partner and for that to happen, we need to give them superb data.

In Reply to 'Rdunn88'
Leo should seriously take a look at any deal at-this-point... It's obvious CTIX has been a target for 3 years because of it's success potential. Reasons for holding out for a larger payday should end today... The best response is to sign a partner or sell everything ASAP...


01/17/17 5:17 PM

#168642 RE: Rdunn88 #168629

F the shorts and all the greedy pricks that post "the sky is falling" posts here in order to decimate a good company. A
Also increase their riches which hopefully Karma will take care off.