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Shane Chowdhury

01/17/17 4:27 PM

#9399 RE: pearsby09 #9398

I am not saying he is a God, he is very good how he predicts, actually he is great what he does for is. He made millions for a lot of people including me. I have always appreciate his help. He is a great guy.

Shane Chowdhury

01/17/17 4:34 PM

#9401 RE: pearsby09 #9398

Oh by the way for your kind information: I made $4.9M with only $100K with in a year. I lost lots of money before. Any stock I touched failed drugs or BK, but as of now because of him $$$ is everywhere. No thanks to you. If Sheikh wants he can pump the stock, ask many more they know, he made made money for us. Bottom line he made my all losses to gain. Good luck. And be little optimistic please. You scaring other investors.