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Andy Grave

01/20/17 10:23 PM

#147599 RE: VeeCee #147586 what is this all about?...........I mean, it's not like a real analyst will extract it from Intel at the conference call.

Intel silently exits a multi-billion dollar market

Nothing to see here, move along people

Jan 19, 2017 by Charlie Demerjian

Intel - logoWord has reached SemiAccurate that Intel pulled out of a major market, silently. Like all unannounced retreats from multi-billion dollar markets, don’t expect this one to be publicized or admitted to in any direct way.

The great Beijing coughing mole is awash with news this time of year, they can’t stop yapping before New Years celebrations begin. This time the tell of a tale of retreat but it isn’t the year of the chicken, yet, more like the year of the bellyflopping manatee from the high board. Yes it is that level of ouch.

Note: The following is analysis for professional level subscribers only.