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01/17/17 11:40 AM

#41618 RE: karw #41613

Hi Karw,
In the very first edition He mentioned Synchrovest. As I am sure you know but others may not Mr. Lichello for the most part only added pages to the book.
In the revised first edition/ 2ed edition, he added the chapter on Twinvest.

In the third edition, he added his AIM-Hi, and in his 4th edition he revised his AIM-hi section. Don't get me wrong I love his story telling, but it can be confusing as the steps of the plan get stretched out through the book.

His first book Superpower investing came out in 1974, Published by Farnsworth in the usa, and his AIM book was put out by Penguin books out of the uk on their Signet brand, no telling what type of contracts he signed to get published back then, or what type of conflict of interest that caused.

When you use Synchrovest with the 10 to 4 and back sequence, with a sell set at 100 percent profit it almost gets to 100% it keeps getting closer, as it keeps on lowering the average cost. when you set the sell anywhere between 40% and 70%, with this set of numbers you get sells, and it is the "Katy bar the door" as Mr. Lichello would say.

from post #10 on my group.Here is some more interesting stuff on DCA. In her book Practical Formulas for Successful Investing by Lucile Tomlinson, Mrs. Tomlinson has a chart that shows how long it would take for a DCA plan to reach 40% profit, the time period varied from 2 1/2 years to 10 1/2 years long, most were about 5 years long. She seemed to be recommending stopping the plan at that point, as she goes on to say that after reaching 40% the plan tended to just follow with the market. Another thing she said was that If one were to combined a DCA plan with a Constant ratio plan one could get greater profits.
This is what led me to set the sell point at 50% Synchrovest is more aggressive than DCA is.