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01/21/17 10:33 AM

#38061 RE: BARRENCE #38031

Well, simple. It's not like Rontan doesn't know how to make money. The recent downfall in the Brazil economy has effected all businesses, not only Rontan. You know that.

And for who would lend money to GDSI? Well, Rontan of course. They need this more than GDSI needs them. It was due to Sullivan that Bolzan Bros were not pleased with the early announcement of acquirement. Delgado was left with a whole lot of mess and there is still no proof that GDSI and Rontan are no longer in talks with each other. So this is why I hold, for the official outcome of GDSI.

But keep in mind as well, GDSI is a low floater. See what happened with VD*M. If what Delgado has to share is very substantial, this thing will pop higher than their last run to pennyland. Don't believe me? The chart says it all as well. This thing is ready to pop.

When whatever Delgado has to share drops, this thing will explode.