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01/13/17 6:04 PM

#31068 RE: willi-germany #31066

The name is probably the biggest problem in this-
Why didn't the call it "Loyalty Bytes" , or Reward Bytes, or Frequent Biter Bytes? Something clever and catchy.

This name is like "Transversion Die and Castings"

Way off......

shaking my head.

Black Beerd

01/15/17 2:54 PM

#31071 RE: willi-germany #31066

"any other people there? anybody will make it better...."

and what would the incentive be to entice and suitable vetted CEO?? There is no cash Diamond Dave has stained the company image with his glaring short comings as CEO and doing what stinky pinky CEO's do best... Dilute. But yes there are very qualified people available but without the cash to develop and execute a plan this company can only tread water in the filth of Dave has created. jmo