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01/13/17 12:58 PM

#283606 RE: bfiest #283605

if initiated by major holder. i.e. Dart stepping up and pressuring Company. he seems fine with losing $12MM on last tranche.


01/13/17 3:55 PM

#283617 RE: bfiest #283605

I would be interested in assembling and nominating a slate of directors to replace this group.

I think we could assemble enough shareholders and shares to cast the votes. First the Board, then replace certain management that has been completely ineffective for so long


01/13/17 7:52 PM

#283635 RE: bfiest #283605

RE "change the direction of the company"

Already happened.
Cotara went bust, Bavi viral went bust, bavi anticancer went bust, and PPHM is now an extremely expense ridden little for-hire drug manufacturer called Avid.

Oh sure, they're doing some playing around with mice like they did
~TWELVE YEARS AGO! And that matters as little now as it did then.

Meanwhile the cash incineration continues, another reverse split is on schedule, the dilution train keeps chugging, and the same idiots get overpaid to continue the shareholder value destruction.

Truth is stranger than fiction.....