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Frayed Knot

01/13/17 11:29 AM

#90388 RE: SRV-90 #90387

Hey SRV! I was just thinking the same thing.

I looked for a tweet about news that Petey was going to "in share" like he always does after these events. He says he will IN SHARE but then never does. I am always so sad when he doesn't.

So far.. no tweets about in sharing.... Bummer...

Guess the deals were so good.

Maybe Petey has to keep working on that 18 month deal..

that has been around since 2014...


Frayed Knot

01/13/17 11:30 AM

#90389 RE: SRV-90 #90387

Amazing Vol this morning.. oh wait, NO TRADES.

Bid remains at .0001/82,591

Good times!