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01/13/17 1:04 PM

#230851 RE: Brock69 #230847

"Until someone can show actual proof anything else is just cheap worthless talk."

Proof? LOL...lets work down that list.

KMAG suspended by the SEC over four years ago
KMAG's last set of financials was over four years ago
KMAG no longer has a website of any type
KMAG no longer has ANY business registration in ANY state and therefore is NOT licensed to actually do business ANYWHERE
KMAG has no published working phone number or email address.

...and the last the market heard from KMAG or Jeff Reid in ANY way was over 1.5 years ago.

What kind of "proof" precisely are you waiting for?


01/13/17 1:58 PM

#230854 RE: Brock69 #230847

Clearly there appears to be more intrinsic value to all the talk than the actual stock since it never ceases. $KMAG