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01/12/17 1:55 PM

#16361 RE: Rich888 #16360

Thanks for the info Rich, what is there email i'll see if I get a response.


01/13/17 9:17 AM

#16369 RE: Rich888 #16360

Same old pitiful story with Sheady and his cohorts . Everything is coming together nicely but we can't tell you anything about it. Just buy more shares! LMAO


01/13/17 11:21 PM

#16380 RE: Rich888 #16360

That's great information Rich. thank you...sooner or later they will find funding or funding will find them. They have proven gold in the ground.

The Gold industry is reaching what is called "PEAK GOLD". Peak gold is when the available gold deposit have reached their limit and are no longer producing gold to their captivity. Also, Peak Gold refers to gold the is easily accessible, and the gold that is easily accessible is no longer available. ILST is in a great position to capitalize in the next few years with because of this circumstance .
I've been holding for sometime waiting for a catalyst that will aid ILST to become a functioning and gold producing mine. People that are in the mining industry are well aware of what is taking place (PEAK GOLD). That was great information to hear Rich ...I hope something pans out for all of us who are invested in ILST


01/15/17 1:36 PM

#16394 RE: Rich888 #16360

This is exciting news ... These are how contracts and deals are made, when your actively seeking out opportunities for the company with investors, by sitting down and discussing the details that are involved with bringing ILST into a functioning gold producing mine. ...Negotiations!!!...Im excited for what is coming our way