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01/12/17 10:52 AM

#59458 RE: PMrz #59457

We already solved this: The stuff solicited via the email list was for restricted shares not promissory notes, unless you have something new to contribute...

This explains why the investor FAQ has all those questions about removing the restricted symbol on your shares, I always thought that was kind of funny.

The reason is that these shares that were being sold by email were under rule 506 and therefore restricted, meaning they cannot be sold for a year. The email promised they could sell after six months, which a lot of people probably tried to do and then realized that they could not. So they asked the company about it and the company referred them to their lawyer and transfer agent for help in getting the symbol removed. Since three questions of the FAQ are about this, I am guessing a lot of people were unfamiliar with the process.

Anyways... Why don't you just head over and ask those guys? You said on this site that you lived near there. Do you know them? If not you should get in touch and report back, would love to learn more about this.


01/12/17 11:41 AM

#59463 RE: PMrz #59457

I be happy to share mine.

Interesting you know the personal financials and annual income of everyone on the newsletter list to make that claim?

Since Feb 2014, my shares are worth half their value and I now own half as much of the company that I once did (diluted).

Not a criticism or nay saying just a fact.

Just an observation, by the current price levels smart money has not paid a lot of attention to us.

To be trading at levels below the days when we had nothing but a dream, well something doesn't add up.