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06/15/01 1:13 AM

#2475 RE: smart_sassy #2474

RE: McVeigh. Gone, but soon forgotten.

Two options on the death penalty.

1. If a person is convicted of a capital crime, and the choice is either death, or life, without parole, in prison, give THEM the choice. If they choose to die, it would only be assisted suicide. Just put 'em in a locked room with a gun, some pills, etc., and let 'em have at it. Of course some who are against assisted suicide, are FOR the death penalty. So, we would have another debate. It would be O.K. to kill them, but not to allow them to kill themselves - go figure.

2. Let the victims family decide whether they live or die. This might put some moralists to the test, and that way the nation wouldn't have it on THEIR conscience.

In any case, if you support the death penalty, or not, we need to be DAMN sure before we enforce it. There are NO "acceptable losses" in this kind of case.