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08/22/06 1:02 PM

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Coughlin: Manning Has Improved, Is Finding Alternate Receivers

Aug 21, 4:04 PM (ET)


ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) -The days when Eli Manning stepped behind center for the New York Giants and wondered whether his mind was going to implode from information overload are over.

Entering his third NFL season, Manning is now the lynchpin of a multi-weapon offense that features Pro Bowlers Tiki Barber and Jeremy Shockey and equally talented receivers Plaxico Burress and Amani Toomer.

"You can get overrun sometimes as a rookie," said Manning, the No. 1 pick overall in 2004. "You have so much going on, your mind is kinda overwhelmed. Everything is being thrown at you and there are days where you can't think anymore.

"Now it's more relaxed going into practice," Manning said Monday. "Whatever they throw at you, you know what to do. It's just a matter of seeing what the defense is and making plays and being competitive."

Manning made more than enough plays a year ago to lead the Giants (11-5) to the NFC East title in his first full season as the starting quarterback.

The offense's 422 points were the second most in franchise history and his 24 touchdown passes were the most by a Giant since Fran Tarkenton threw 29 in 1967.

With just a couple of days left in training camp at the University at Albany, coach Tom Coughlin said that Manning is throwing the ball even better than last season, when he hit nearly 53 percent of his passes.

Coughlin said that the biggest improvement made by the son of Archie Manning and the brother of Colts quarterback Peyton Manning has been learning not to force passes.

"I think he has done a good job of finding a second and third (receiver) or a checkdown, even to a point where he has gone from one side of the field to the other and found a checkdown," Coughlin said.

Manning credits his improvement to being more familiar with the offense. Instead of having to read the playbook every day, now he just checks his notes or watches videotapes with the coaches to review his mechanics.

He also gets help in that area with daily reports on each pass in practice. It shows where he is hitting passes and where he is missing them.

If he is missing a lot to the left, for example, it might suggest he is not opening his body enough when he makes the throw or that his footwork is off.

"One of the reasons I have gotten here is I have worked hard from high school to college," Manning said. "I am not trying to outwork other people. I feel like after the day is done I want to feel I have done everything I could to become better.

"There is no worse feeling than having done something in a season or a game or whatever and saying I could have studied a little more or stayed after practice and worked on this throw," Manning added. "You never want to feel that way."

Guard Chris Snee said that Manning is responsible for a lot in an offense that requires him to call the audibles and find the middle linebacker every play.

"I don't think there is a guy on this team that has any doubt about his ability or the fact that he will put us on the right path," Snee said.

The hardest thing Manning faces is spreading the ball around on an offense where everyone thinks he should be the main target. Shockey and Burress don't hide their displeasure when Manning throws to someone else when they feel they are open.

Toomer senses Manning is more comfortable and confident heading into his third season, a year in which quarterbacks tend to take the next big step.

"You have to have a feeling you know that if all else is equal if he plays a great game he can put us over the top," Toomer said.