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01/10/17 3:33 PM

#72726 RE: Diwanssong #72725

From the company ;)

"..production capability to begin by year end 2016, assuring the Company that inventory will be sufficient to meet anticipated demand in the 1 st Quarter, 2017."

8k :)
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01/10/17 5:08 PM

#72733 RE: Diwanssong #72725

Nate’s Food Co. Announces It has Begun Discussions For Grocery Placement of Nate’s Pancakes For Up to 4.5 Million Cans per year

Los Angeles, California, October 20, 2014 – Nate’s Food Co, Inc. (OTC: NHMD) announced today that it has begun discussions to have Nate’s Pancakes sold in grocery stores. Nate’s Pancakes make ready-to-use, pre-mixed pancake and waffle batter delivered in a pressurized can. Our pre-made batter makes light and airy pancakes or waffles that are fun for the entire family to make together, and are a great way to start your day.

Nate’s Food Co. Announces It has Begun Expanding Capacity to 24 Million Cans per Year Providing Revenue Potential of $75 Million Annually

Los Angeles, California, October 27, 2014 – Nate’s Food Co. (OTC: NHMD) announced today that it has begun expanding its production capacity to approximately 100,000 cans a day or 24 million cans per year which could provide revenue up to $75 Million per year.

Nate’s Food Co. Announces It Has Begun Production On Its New Production Line.

Los Angeles, California, October 31, 2014 – Nate’s Food Co. (OTC: NHMD) announced today that is has commenced manufacturing Nate’s Pancakes on its new production line. The Company has uploaded photos of the Company’s product running through the new production line. The photos can be found at