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01/10/17 8:38 AM

#377217 RE: 10bambam #377212

Carney's head just eclipsed Earth...

veteran financial journalist John Carney

In his new role, Carney will manage news contributors that includes former CNBC personality Larry Kudlow

Made me laugh and feel ill at the same time.


01/10/17 10:13 AM

#377236 RE: 10bambam #377212

If you need someone that is OK with propaganda pieces he would be an excellent pick. Ethics is not something Carney is known for. Has there ever been a news organization ran out of the White House. Kind of disturbing.


01/10/17 10:14 AM

#377239 RE: 10bambam #377212

Much like the old "there goes the neighborhood" metaphor, with the hiring of Carney, "there goes Breitbart News!"


01/10/17 10:36 AM

#377246 RE: 10bambam #377212


John Carney’s GSE Blarney

John Carney is a financial reporter
Writes a column for the W S J…
John writes about Fan & Fred in the W S J
Never says nothin’ nice ‘bout Fan & Fred
Nothin’ nice to say in the W S J…

Fan and Fred didn’t need a government bailout.
Forced to take worst-case book-loss scenario
One no financial institution could meet,
No financial institution could possibly meet…
A forced worst-case book-loss scenario

Strange $50 Billion in Deferred Tax Assets
Warn’t considered when Treasury forced the bailouts.
Fan and Fred weren’t given prior notice
To replenish their position from open market,
They coulda replenished their position with no bailout...

Net Worth Sweep is an Illegal Taking
Of private property against the 5th Amendment.
GSEs didn’t cause the housing crisis,
Too Big To Fail banks were the major causes,
Big banks makin’ no doc loans.

Our GSE model is a proven one
and they’re cost efficient too,
Ensure liquidity and low mortgage rates
To millions of US homes for many years,
Made millions of Americans homeowners too.

All Carney does is shout “tsk tsk”
Over "lobbying" & "someone making a profit"
John oughta consider investors invested in the GSEs
Before and during the housing crisis
Before during and after the housing crisis



01/10/17 11:35 AM

#377261 RE: 10bambam #377212

Like Carney held Gov accountable in Fannie & Freddie Obamanation? Since when has Carney held ANYONE accountable for anything. Nothing but a communist propaganda machine like some others on this board.

“We want American greatness and we want someone who’ll stick up for American workers,” Carney said. “To the extent Trump does so we’ll be cheerleaders for him — and if he fails, we’ll be critics. We will hold him accountable. We’re partisans for the American economy.”