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01/09/17 12:21 PM

#5827 RE: Lion33 #5824

Lion, you just don't get it!

Let me try to straighten you and grilfriend out one last time!

We just came through a 3 day bitter cold front and a winter storm that likely burnt 75 Bcf pd (225 Bcf). There is a 50/50 chance that we will experience a little warming in the southern states a week from now that will lower the burn rate to 40 Bcf per day for 3-4 days. Add it all together, we come up with a burn of about 400 Bcf over the next 2 weeks. This will bring us close to the lowest storage level ever.

I feel sorry for those that don't believe... all you have to do is go online and study manipulation and all the tricks played by Wall Street. Here's a good place to start:

Here's something on investor hub:

google search market manipulation! You'll find a lot of helpful info.

In my opinion, CHK is the most manipulated stock on the NYSE! That's why this stock can not hold above $8. And I am beginning to think it never will!

Just study before you lose all your money to these crooks. When you get a little more experience, ask me questions and I bring you along. I can make a good trader out of you if just open your mind and realize that you are like a lost lamb in a jungle full 33 lions. (smile, little joke there)

CHK should make a comeback sometime around 2 pm. But it depends on how many shares the AX was able to buy at these low prices. And I will bet the AX is Barclays Bank... the biggest crook on Wall Street!

And I understand why you and grilfrind don't know what's going on. I'm not angry with either one of you. Just read the link above as your first lesson. Tell when you finish and I will direct you to more manipulation facts!

Don't forget! You will never learn anything with a closed mind!