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08/18/06 8:18 PM

#71347 RE: Mattu #71345

it costs money to operate. I showed You a way to easily collect an extra 90 bucks a year and you don't even answer me.


08/18/06 9:21 PM

#71351 RE: Mattu #71345

You never call me Snickerdoodle.


08/18/06 11:43 PM

#71370 RE: Mattu #71345

"We're going to implement the idea...'s gonna work, you're gonna hate it and whine about it. End of story."


Typical ego-arrogance !

Well, is it "The End Of Story" ?

I guess we'll ALL have to stay tuned for the outcome of that immature arrogant assertion !

Oh !!!


At the risk of redundancy...I repeat...

"Circumstances can distort individual personalities...and ANYONE...I repeat ANYONE...when given complete control over others, can act like a monster !

You are embarking on a VERY "slippery slope" here in my opinion !"


And a bloody g'weekend to you as well, Snickerdoodle !!! :8^)


08/20/06 5:16 PM

#71460 RE: Mattu #71345

Good Afternoon, Matt

To me, the lack of quality in the comments by those blind to the sense of community among iHub members, those unwilling to trust management's judgment, and those who don't recognize the many people of good will on this site, is evidence that appointing monitors is a good idea. These nay-sayers make the notion compelling.

In my opinion, those who serve should do so with pride ... openly rather than anonymously. They should only act in response to complaints from members, so their names (aliases) should be publicized so members can lodge complaints with them.

Also, in my opinion, assuming he would serve, I don't think you could find a better candidate than Churak. He is, far and away, the quickest-witted person on iHub, and has a talent for cutting humor which would be valuable in such a task.
