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01/07/17 4:18 PM

#104355 RE: hokus pokus #104354

Ok you have to forget that money think of it as jackpot money the only way we hit six is buy out huge news or the dreaded Rs so now you get liquid look at high volume days I suggest Monday keekf gyog and a new position on phot 0145 or below keekf will make you a lot gyog ??? But great for a few flips and phot think of the ocean and play the waves and hope your in for the long green candle set your sell on your 6 take a 50 % and fight again!! Or hold the long road I'm not a professional no serious anything but I do this everyday everysecond and I'm pretty good!! Like 350 k last year good!!


01/07/17 4:44 PM

#104358 RE: hokus pokus #104354

Sorry to butt in but 10 and 20MA suggests that your .06 could be unlocked soon... IMO